5 Best All-Terrain Strollers for Gravel & Dirt (2024)

If you live in a semi-urban town with lots of potholes, no sidewalks, and often gravel or dirt paths, then you need a good stroller that does the job.

The best all-terrain strollers come with large wheels that can handle the terrain and a decent sun canopy to keep the baby cool and ideally last to toddler years.

We Recommend

Best for the Money
Bubmleride Indie

Best Large Option
BOB Revolution

Best Lightweight
Thule Urban Glide

Best All-Terrain Strollers

1. Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller

The Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller is a quality option with a three-wheel system. 

The stroller has an extra-wide seat. This provides children with multiple positions to sit in. It also provides enhanced visibility of your child while they are in the stroller. 

The seat can also recline, which makes it perfect for younger infants too

The stroller features two 16-inch rear wheels. A 12.5-inch front wheel with a swivel system for easier turning is added. A lock system is added to the front wheel.

The Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller features an aluminum frame. This adds to the durability of the stroller. The seat can also be easily cleaned with just some water and soap. The seat is made from polyester.

A built-in parent-organizer makes it easier to keep important items with you. A tire pump is included, along with a running leash.

Check the price of Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller here


  • Three-wheel system
  • Swivel front wheel
  • Built-in storage system
  • Comes with a parent organizer
  • Extra-wide seat


  • The three-wheel system is not preferred by all parents
  • Parent organizer has limited space

Weight capacity: Up to 75 pounds
Compact fold: Yes
Suspension: Shock absorbent suspension
Storage space: Yes, includes parent organizer
Seat recline: Yes

2. Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller

The Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller is a lightweight option. This is an all-terrain stroller that doubles as a jogging stroller. 

It comes in two different color options. The product features a three-wheel system. This adds to the maneuverability of the stroller. 

The stroller is compatible with a variety of car seats. This includes both Chicco Fit2 and Chicco KeyFit car seats. A click-in attachment can be used to fit these car seats in the stroller. 

A control console is used to help move the stroller, operate its swivel, and to apply the brakes when needed. A 3D Air Mesh system is used in the seat. This is a breathable material that makes the product more comfortable and cooler for your infant.

The seat can also be reclined fully. The Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller features a one-hand fold system. It also comes with a parent tray, as well as two built-in cup holders. A large storage basket is also included.

Check the price of Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller here


  • Lightweight stroller
  • Full reclining seat
  • 3D Air Mesh backrest
  • Tires are foam filled for improved durability
  • Includes a large storage basket


  • Only two color options to choose from
  • Only a single brake system used

Weight capacity: 50 pounds
Compact fold: Yes, one-hand fold
Suspension: Adjustable suspension
Storage space: Large storage basket
Seat recline: Full recline

3. BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller

The BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller is a heavy-duty option that comes at a premium price tag. 

The stroller comes in three different color options. The colors include Graphite Black, Graphite Blue, and Graphite Red. 

The stroller features an easy one-hand fold system. This makes it possible to fold it up while you have your baby in your arms. 

The product can carry a baby or toddler up to 75 pounds in weight. It also offers a full canopy system that can effectively prevent excessive sun exposure on your infant. The canopy comes with a UPF 50+ sun protection rating.

The BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller offers a handlebar that can be easily adjusted. There are three pockets at the back area of the seat, as well as two snack pockets. A large cargo basket is also included in the stroller. The product is also compatible with a few car seats made by this brand.

Check the price of BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller here


  • Supports a maximum weight of 75 pounds
  • Infant car seat adapter compatible
  • Nine position handlebar that can be adjusted
  • Several storage sections
  • Speed stability system


  • No handle control center
  • Smaller wheels may lead to reduced stability

Weight capacity: Up to 75 pounds
Compact fold: Yes, one-hand fold
Suspension: Mountain bike-style suspension
Storage space: Cargo storage, snack pockets, seatback pockets, cell phone pocket
Seat recline: Yes

4. Bumbleride Indie All Terrain Stroller

The Bumbleride Indie All Terrain Stroller offers heavy-duty wheels. This is a great product for both infants and toddlers. 

It can also be adjusted to a seated position for toddlers. A built-in footrest adds to the comfortability of the product for a toddler. 

The stroller comes in quite a variety of color options. These include Maritime Blue, Tourmaline Wave, Dawn Grey Coral, Dawn Grey Mint, and Camp Green.

The product has an Oeko Tex Standard 100 certification. This means it has been tested and deemed safe for children. No harmful chemicals or dyes are used in this product.

The stroller is also lightweight. It features a compact fold system, which makes storage much more convenient. Polyester is the primary material used in the fabric system. The frame is also made from high-quality materials for better stability.

Check the price of Bumbleride Indie All Terrain Stroller here


  • Variety of colors to choose from
  • Compatible with various car seats
  • Suspension in the back and front wheel
  • Air-filled tires with pump included
  • Full reclining ability


  • Higher price tag
  • Small back wheels

Weight capacity: Up to 55 pounds
Compact fold: Yes
Suspension: Front and back-wheel suspension
Storage space: Yes
Seat recline: Yes, flat lie-down recline

5. Thule Urban Glide 2 All Terrain Stroller

The Thule Urban Glide 2 All Terrain Stroller features a variety of colors that you can choose from. The product is also available as a single or double stroller

The stroller offers a one-handed fold system. This makes it exceptionally easy to fold the product up while holding a baby in your one hand. 

Both rear wheels are 16 inches in diameter. The front-wheel features a swivel system.

This makes the process of turning with the stroller easier and safer. The reclining seat ensures your baby can lay flat in the stroller. In a seated position, a toddler is given an opportunity to see the outdoor world while they are in the stroller. 

The handlebar can be easily adjusted for your convenience. A large storage basket is included. The basket features a zip-top cover for added convenience.

Check the price of Thule Urban Glide 2 All Terrain Stroller here


  • Lightweight stroller
  • Full recline system
  • One-handed fold system
  • Large rear wheels
  • Adjustable handlebar


  • Limited design options to choose from
  • Higher price tag

Weight capacity: Up to 75 pounds
Compact fold: Yes
Suspension: Yes
Storage space: Storage basket with zip-top cover
Seat recline: Yes

Related: Best Strollers for Big Kids (for 3-7 Year Olds)

All-Terrain Strollers Vs. Jogging Strollers

Many jogging strollers on the market today come with wheels and a suspension that makes them appropriate for almost any terrain. At the same time, there are also some all-terrain strollers that are promoted as ideal options for people who want to go jogging with their infant. This can bring up some confusion.

There is a few main difference between these strollers, however.

  • Jogging strollers need to be light in weight. This makes them easier to push. Not all all-terrain strollers are light in weight.
  • An all-terrain stroller relies on a suspension system to make the process of pushing them on tougher terrains harder. There are many jogging strollers that do not focus so much on a suspension system.
  • All-terrain strollers usually include tough and heavy-duty wheels that can easily handle tough terrains. A lot of jogging strollers, on the other hand, focuses on speed and safety – which usually make these manufacturers opt for smaller wheels with a brake system.

Can you jog with an all-terrain stroller?

Due to some similarities between the two, many parents want to know if they can buy an all-terrain stroller and jog with it. The answer depends on the specific stroller. 

Some are not appropriate for jogging. Look for a jogging stroller that can handle all terrains – the manufacturer will state this.

Features That Really Matter For Babies

There are a few features that parents need to look for when buying an all-terrain stroller. The best all-terrain stroller needs to comply with these features to assure the safety of the baby. The overall comfort of the baby also needs to be taken into account.

Here is a list of important features a parent needs to look for.

  • Reclining seat: A newborn baby has to sleep for about 16 hours each day (3). Even at the age of one year, an infant still needs about 14 hours of sleep every day. You need to ensure the all-terrain stroller you buy has a reclining seat. This will ensure your baby can lay own while you push them in the stroller, allowing them to catch the sleep they need – assuring they grow up healthy.
  • Extended canopy: Infants can benefit from some exposure to the sun (4). Too much sun exposure can be harmful, however. An extended canopy will help to shield your infant from the sun.
  • All-wheel suspension: Suspension is critical for an all-terrain stroller. It helps make the movement of the stroller much smoother while pushing it some of the tougher terrains.
  • Comfort: Look for a stroller with a padded seat. This will help your baby feel more comfortable while they are in the stroller.

Features That Really Matter For Parents

There are also some features that can make the process of using an all-terrain stroller easier for the parent. When you are looking to buy the best all-terrain stroller, you should look out for specific features that can make your experience more convenient.

Some features to take into consideration include:

  • Storage: The ability to store items in the stroller can be convenient. Think about napkins, a bag with nappies, and perhaps a blanket. Storage space ensures you do not have to carry any items in your hand while pushing your baby in the stroller.
  • Car-seat compatibility: Some strollers are compatible with a car seat. This makes it easy to take your baby from the car and put them into the stroller. Once you are done using the stroller, you simply detach the car seat and place it back in the car.
    Removable seat pad: A removable seat pad makes it easier to keep the stroller clean.
  • One-hand standing fold: When you have a baby in your hands, you need the process of folding up the stroller as easily as possible. Make sure the product folds up easily. The manufacturer will usually state that it features a one-hand standing fold operation.
  • Height adjustable handle: This is essential feature for tall parents. Make sure the handle is adjustable so that you can set it to meet your height appropriately.

Baby Stroller Safety Tips

You need to place emphasis on the safety of your baby when looking for the best all-terrain stroller. There are many of these products on the market. By looking for specific features, you can ensure your baby will be safe during your trip outdoors.

Here are a few tips to consider when buying a baby stroller:

  • The all-terrain stroller should feature a five-point harness. This ensures your baby will be safe when placed in the stroller.
  • Look for a stroller with a lock on the front wheels. This ensures you can put it in a fixed location. The risk of the stroller moving on its own is eliminated.
  • Make sure the stroller you buy has two brakes instead of just one. Even when two brakes are included, do not leave the stroller unattended.
  • Make sure you look at the weight limit. Never place a baby in a stroller if they exceed the weight limit.
  • Consider a stroller with a full canopy and additional features. Mesh paneling is useful for adding extra protection for your baby.
  • Bags should be placed in the storage unit and not be hung from the handle. Hanging a bag from the handle can cause the stroller to flip backward. This can lead to injury.
  • A sleeping baby should never be left unattended while they are in the stroller.

How To Choose The Right All-Terrain Stroller?

Apart from the safety features we considered, you also need to look at some specific features of the stroller. By considering these factors, you have the ability to ensure the stroller will be appropriate. It will be able to keep your baby safe and stroll smoothly over any terrain.

We share a couple of important factors you should look at while you are in the process of buying the best all-terrain stroller.

  • Wheel type: Three-wheel or four-wheel strollers can be appropriate. Make sure the wheels are thick enough to handle tough terrains. Back wheels are generally larger than front wheels. Wheels will generally be between 12.5 inches and 16 inches.
  • Size and weight: Consider the size of the stroller. A lightweight stroller will be easier to travel with. If the stroller is not too big, it will also fold up easier and take up less space in the car or at home.
  • Braking system: Make sure there are brakes at the back wheels. Additional brakes at the front wheels can also help make the stroller safer.
  • Maneuverability: The stroller should move and turn easily. A swivel front wheel is always beneficial. This makes it much easier to turn.
  • Quality of construction: Consider a stroller with an aluminum frame. This is a sturdier material that will generally last longer.

Laurel Davidson

Laurel brings her passion for parenting and years of problem-solving experiences to ParentingMode. She is the editor of ParentingMode, ensuring that the content is relevant and valuable to the readers. Laurel received her master’s degree in public administration with a certificate in economic development. She is a stay-at-home mom, raising two adorable kiddos, Aurora and Thomas. Laurel enjoys sharing her experience as a parent, traveling, and good food.

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